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5. 逆序打印单向链表 Print linked list reversely using C++ class implementation

Author posted @ 2013年10月03日 14:20 in 剑指Offer with tags c++ , 3450 阅读


struct ListNode{
    int m_nValue;
    ListNode* m_pNext;

然后用ListNode **head表示链表的头。

个人不喜欢这样表示。我相信现在应该没有多少人愿意去看有“指针的指针”的程序。一个程序中出现指针是很正常的,但是出现“指针的指针”就很讨厌了。属于overuse of pointers。不仅容易出错而且降低程序可读性。还有一点就是这样表示链表明显能看出有C-style。没有充分发挥C++语言良好的封装性。我没用书上的例程。参考了[1]用class实现了list。(注意到[1]中的代码有bug:如果用原程序中的Delete函数从头开始删除节点,那么就会产生segmentation fault)。

class Node{
    int data; 
    Node* next;
    void SetData(int aData) {data = aData;}
    void SetNext(Node* aNext){ next = aNext;}
    int GetData(){ return data;}
    Node* GetNext() {return next;}

class List{
    Node *head;
    List() {head = NULL;}
    void Print();
    void Append(int _data);
    void Delete(int _data);
    void PrintReversely();

我参考了[2]重新写了List::Delete(int) 函数如下:

void List::Delete(int _data){ 
    // empty list
    if(head == NULL)
    Node* ToBeDeleted = NULL;
    if(head->GetData() == _data){
	ToBeDeleted = head;
    	head = head->GetNext();
	// create a copy of list head pointer
	Node* ptr = head;
	while(ptr->GetNext() != NULL){
	    if(ptr->GetNext()->GetData() == _data ){
		// ptr --> [ptr.next] --> ...
		Node* tmp = ptr->GetNext()->GetNext();
		ToBeDeleted = ptr->GetNext();
		ptr = ptr->GetNext();
    if(ToBeDeleted != NULL){
	delete ToBeDeleted; // free the memory it pointed to
	ToBeDeleted = NULL; //point the dangling ptr to null

在删除一个指针时,为避免内存泄露,要首先进行delete操作释放内存,此时该指针变为dangling pointer。然后应将此迷途指针重置为NULL.[3][4]


void List::PrintReversely(){
    stack<Node*> nodes;
    Node* ptr = head;
	cout<<" Empty List"<<endl;

	ptr= ptr->GetNext();
    cout<<"NULL ";
	Node* tmp = nodes.top();
	cout<<" <-- ";


git clone https://github.com/zhutiti/Hehaitao.git


[1] C++ singly linked list: http://login2win.blogspot.com/2008/07/c-singly-linked-lists.html

[2] How do I delete a node from linked list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3732399/how-do-i-delete-a-node-from-linked-list-c

[3] C++ deleting a pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13223399/c-deleting-a-pointer

[4] Dangling pointer - Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangling_pointer

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